Is it crazy to think that your oil company right here in Granby, Connecticut would want to help you conserve energy?  Energy Direct not only wants to give you the best price per gallon Winter Tipsbut help you conserve the oil you purchased. Let’s go over a few easy ways to conserve and save money.

1.3 degrees equals a 10% savings. Lowering your thermostat by 3 degrees when going to sleep and cuddled under the covers can save over $100.00 on your heating bill during the heating season.  By setting your thermostat back during the night will help your furnace run more efficiently.  For an added savings draw your shades and curtains.

2.Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to save money on your energy or oil bill. If you have children in the house this can also be used as a safety precaution.

3.Change the direction of your ceiling fan. Heat rises and by changing the direction to counter clockwise you will be drawing the heat down from the ceiling. According to THE DAILY GREEN you can save up to 10% savings on your heating costs.

4.Close your fireplace damper when not in use. Approximately 14% of heat can escape through your chimney.

5.Schedule  a check up for your heating system.  Having your heating system checked, filters, nozzles, strainers and air filters changed yearly can increase the efficiency of your heating system.  Don’t for get to schedule your tune-up soon.